european Organization education Accreditation EOEA

The Agency

EOEA – European Organization Education Accreditation

EOEA operates strictly in line with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area, developed in the context of the Bologna Process. However, EOEA offers accreditation to universities and higher education institutions worldwide.

EOEA  operates in the public interest, offering its services so that universities and higher education institutions, their current and future students, as well as society at large, benefit. Nevertheless, EOEA is fully independent of any government or national authority and any university or higher education institution.

EOEA  places great focus on the development and further improvement of a quality culture within universities and higher education institutions. EOEA sees its role as a guide and advisor, stimulating and encouraging the improvement of the quality of teaching and learning, research, and other activities of an institution. This is achieved through focusing on the institutional systems and their strategic management.

Why (choose) EOEA?

EOEA was founded to offer universities and other higher education institutions a new type of accreditation. EOEA ensures that universities and higher education institutions will benefit greatly from the accreditation process. The new type of accreditation has been designed on the basis of best practices in quality assurance, but taking them a few steps further. In this way, EOEA is able to offer its accreditation with full commitment to the below features, which make EOEA unique and enhance the quality of universities and higher education institutions.

EOEA is international

In recent years, a growing number of universities and higher education institutions seek international accreditation. Yet, such accreditation could not be obtained. The choice was limited to foreign standards and procedures as well as experts from usually one country. EOEA, however, is international and provides international services. All policies, procedures, and standards have been designed with an international focus from the beginning. EOEA only works with international review teams. EOEA offers truly international accreditation.

EOEA provides context-specific assessments

EOEA understands the context within which a university or higher education institution is operating. EOEA only works with experts who have wide-ranging international experience and knowledge of different higher education systems. EOEA also respects national regulations and ensures that these regulations are adequately reflected in the assessment.

EOEA only works with the best

EOEA has a very selective policy in terms of the renowned reviewers it is working with. For EOEA, it is essential that every reviewer is an expert in the field and has the most advanced knowledge about higher education in general and quality assurance in particular. Many of the reviewers also have practical experience of leading a university or higher education institution.

EOEA places the focus on your institution

EOEA ensures that each accreditation process is given full attention and maximum support. Universities and higher education institutions applying for accreditation can be sure that they will receive the best that EOEA can offer.

EOEA provides custom-made advice

EOEA puts an emphasis on the continuous enhancement of quality and relevance. Therefore, EOEA does not use a simple checklist approach as to whether standards are met. EOEA offers each university and higher education institution comprehensive suggestions and recommendations for its further improvement, focusing on its individual characteristics.

EOEA uses the most suitable criteria

EOEA recognizes the diversity of institutions, their missions, and strategies. Therefore, the standards EOEA uses differentiate between universities and other higher education institutions to undertake an assessment against criteria that are more befitting to and aligned with the institutional reality and the specific objectives and the modus operandi of the institution.

EOEA’s Mission and Vision


EOEA’s mission is to encourage, support, and assure the continuous enhancement of quality and relevance of universities and other education institutions through a truly international, independent and objective, contextualized, transparent and rigorous quality assessment framework, providing tailor-made recommendations, involving the best experts in the field, and focusing on the development of a quality culture.


EOEA’s vision is to become the point of reference for quality assurance in the international education environment. Excellent education requires excellent quality assurance.