european Organization education Accreditation EOEA


The process of accrediting a university or higher education institution involves a site visit to the respective institution. This site-visit is carried out by a group of reviewers.

eoea only engages reviewers who already possess wide-ranging experience in quality assurance. In addition, the reviewers eoea engages have been active in the international higher education environment. This is understood as a crucial element, as in this way it will be ensured that the assessment done by the reviewers does not reflect the situation in their home countries, but rather ensures that international best practices are the centre of attention.

Furthermore, only through engaging internationally experienced reviewers eoea ensures that the institutions in the process of accreditation will be assessed within the specific context in which they operate.

eoea reviewers are typically current or former Rectors, Vice-Rectors, high-ranking officials from national authorities or international organisations, higher education researchers and international experts on higher education. All of them have profound knowledge on quality assurance and different higher education systems.

In addition, the review team will always include a student. For this reason eoea has made an agreement with the European Students’ Union (ESU) that ensures that the student reviewers are also internationally experienced, as each of them is a member of ESU’s pool of student experts on quality assurance. Therefore each student has received the best possible training on quality assurance and also has experience from different higher education systems.