european Organization education Accreditation EOEA

Accreditation Services

EOEA – European Organization Education Accreditation

EOEA offers institutional accreditation for universities and other higher education institutions. In an institutional accreditation process, EOEA assesses the capacity of an institution to perform its main functions. It is a process that focuses on the strategic management and the processes, policies, and procedures used within an institution as well as general framework conditions.

Higher education institutions are diverse in their mission, profile, and character. In order to more accurately replicate this in accreditation procedures, EOEA offers different accreditation for universities and other higher education institutions. Accreditation is undertaken on the basis of standards that better reflect the distinctive features of the institutions under assessment.

As EOEA’s approach is to focus on the continuous enhancement of quality and relevance, the reports from the site-visit do not just assess the compliance of an institution with the respective standards. The reports also contain a wide range of suggestions for the improvement of quality that go beyond meeting the standards.

In addition, EOEA offers program accreditation for individual study programs or clusters of study programs. However, given the high demands EOEA has of its reviewers, we can only offer accreditation for a selected range of study programs. If you are interested in obtaining program accreditation, please contact us to find out whether we can offer accreditation for that field.

EOEA also offers accreditation of joint degree programs. Given that EOEA is an international quality assurance agency, the accreditation of international programs, such as joint degree programs, is not impeded by national peculiarities. However, EOEA fully respects the national regulations in every procedure.

EOEA offers accreditation in Technical and Vocational Education. Accreditation in this sector is also offered for the institutional level as well as for individual programs.

Furthermore, EOEA offers accreditation of other training and qualification providers. The focus of this accreditation is on the institutional level, but EOEA also offers accreditation of individual qualifications. This accreditation is applicable for institutions that deliver specific qualifications or training programs as part of a further education scheme. This accreditation is also applicable to any institution that delivers and awards qualifications of other organizations and institutions.

World-Class Universities

EOEA offers a special accreditation, specifically designed for the most prestigious research universities. It will be possible to obtain an accreditation based on the highest standards. This world-class accreditation will be awarded to universities that systemically excel in teaching, research, and third mission. If you are interested in obtaining further information, please contact us at worldclass[a]